What is the meaning of JPG in a file name?

 What in the world is JPG in comparison to JPEG?

File extensions in Windows

Well, when it comes to .jpeg vs .jpg, the truth is there is no difference between the two except the number of characters.

Crazy right? Let us explain.

The term JPG exists because the earlier versions of Windows operating systems. Specifically, the MS-DOS 8.3 and FAT-16 file systems had a maximum 3-letter limit when it came to file names, unlike the UNIX-like operating systems like Mac or Linux, which didn’t have this limit.

So, on Mac or Linux systems, images saved as JPEGs used the file extension .jpeg. But when it came to saving those same types of images using Windows, the file extension had to be shortened to .jpg so it didn’t exceed the 3-letter limit.

Nowadays, Windows operating systems accept 3- or 4-letter file extensions such as .jpeg or .jpg. But since so many people have been using Windows for so long, and are used to saving their images as JPGs, they haven’t stopped. Because of this, photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop and GIMP save all JPEG images by default to the .jpg file extension on both Windows and Macs to avoid confusion.

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Krunal Patel

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